7 Reasons Why You Might Be Having a Headache Right Now

Neck tension, pressure in the temple, and unbearable pain. If the following things sound familiar, then it’s probably because you already experienced a headache before.

Headaches are much more complicated than what people think. It could have a lot of types, causes, and symptoms. But, once you know what type of headache you’re having, you can proceed with its treatment.

Don’t you just want to stop a really bad headache?. The throbbing pain can be problematic and may cause missed appointments, work absences, and failed promises with family and friends. It is important to determine why you are having these painful bouts and there are reasons why you might be having one right now. Here are some of them:

  1. Stress might be one of the reasons why you’re having a headache right now. Stress can cause tightening of muscles and nerves in the shoulder and neck that often leads to tension headaches. When a tension headache occurs, you will also feel the tension in your head, but in reality, it’s the muscles and nerves in the shoulder and neck. Try to avoid stressors. Having a vacation may help you do this.
  2. Illness might be another reason why you’re having a migraine or tension headache. This typically occurs when you have the flu or infections such as ear infections and throat infections, colds, and fevers. Rest if you are sick. Get the proper medication so your illness and headache will go away.
  3. Your environment can also trigger headaches. Strong smelling chemicals such as bug sprays may also trigger it. Another cause can be the change in climate or weather. Migraineurs (someone who suffers from migraine headaches.) often describe environmental triggers of their headaches such as, bright lights, flickering of lights, barometric pressure and odours. Try finding a more relaxing environment to minimize your headache. Improving your surroundings by playing calming music or diffusing essential oils may help you relax. 
  4. Your diet can also trigger migraine or tension headaches. Intake of certain processed food that has certain ingredients may also trigger aching. Other causes can be food that contains nitrites, nitrates, yellow food dyes or monosodium glutamate. If you have a loss of appetite, inadequate food in the body will make you dehydrated and may cause a headache. Too much caffeine can cause it too. Try to eat a well-balanced diet and keep yourself dehydrated to avoid experiencing the pain. Drinking chamomile or green tea may help you relax and lessen your headache.
  5. Alcohol intake causes migraine and cluster headaches. This is because alcohol is a diuretic. It tells your kidney to release more fluid than what you’re taking in, making your body dehydrated. This causes migraine or tension headaches. If you are suffering from bouts of headaches, limit your alcohol intake. Or better yet, avoid drinking it for the time being. You will know if alcohol is the one triggering your headache if the pain disappears after two weeks or one month of alcohol-drinking hiatus.
  6. Sleep deprivation is also known as a common cause of migraine and tension headaches. We all know that sleep is as important as food and water for a person to survive. Lack of sleep may also cause dehydration if you don’t drink enough water. A small amount of sleep also causes headaches. People who suddenly wake up in the middle of their sleep can also experience this. To minimize headaches, get enough rest. Avoid using gadgets that have blue light two hours before your sleeping time. Make your bed comfortable to encourage a good night’s sleep.
  7. Hormones can be part of the reason why you are getting a headache. The changes in estrogen levels in women will most trigger a migraine or cluster headache. More women suffer from migraines than men because of their menstrual cycle. Their hormonal balance changes when their monthly menstrual period comes and causes the pain. Hormonal imbalance is treatable so try to get the advice of your doctor and get treatment. This will lessen headache occurrence related to hormonal imbalance.

You are the one who can determine headache triggers.  You can avoid having headaches in the future by knowing what type of headache it is and how you will treat and cure it. Help your doctor diagnose your illness by knowing the possible cause of headaches. If you are still hesitant to go to the doctor, you can also try several home remedies to ease the throbbing pain on your head. Observe the intensity of your headache. If it is too painful or if you are experiencing it almost every day, consult a physician immediately.If avoiding what triggers your headaches is not enough, seeing a doctor is always an option. You can visit a walk-in clinic in Guelph for medical advice. Having prescriptions for pain relievers and orientation from your doctor can help.