3 Fun Fitness Activities For The Whole Family

Have you made the conscious choice towards a more healthy diet and lifestyle? 

It has been more than six months since a novel coronavirus, Covid-19, swept Canada and the whole world. And in the battlefield of novel diseases, those with stronger immunity come out victorious. That is why if you have not yet made the effort to create health and wellness goals for yourself and your family, this article will hopefully encourage you to start.

According to a report by CBC Radio-Canada, Canadians are getting more sedentary than before. Adults are spending almost four hours daily, seated in front of screens and this apparent lack of physical activity increases the risk of diseases and social seclusion. If the adults are not getting enough exercise, how much more the children?

This is where family fitness programs come in. The aim is to involve the whole family to engage in everyday fun-filled physical activities that both parents and children can enjoy.

What are the benefits of doing exercises together?

You build lifelong habits. Because kids usually look up to their elders as role models, they tend to follow behaviors and mannerisms that they see from their parents and other adult family members. Doing exercises together will establish positive habits that will eventually reap rewards when it comes to protecting their wellbeing.

You build relationships. You already have a taste of how family life is in the era of digital technology. You can be in the same room and not talk to each other. Everyone has a digital device to attend to. With joint home activities, instead of focusing on gadgets, you focus on each other. You can motivate your children, talk to each other, and share laughter. In essence, you are not only building your bodies, you are strengthening relationships too.

Make time to play with your kids. Spending at least 30 minutes a day doing games and physical activities will make a difference in the physical wellbeing of you and your children. If you are interested in starting your family wellness regimen, here are some activities that everyone can enjoy:

Zumba Palooza

Dancing is one of the easiest activities you can do at home. There are a lot of aerobic clips on the internet and all you have to do is research one that is suitable for the kids too. 

Dancing improves blood circulation and strengthens the muscles, lungs, and heart. It develops agility, body coordination, balance, and flexibility. Also, it is one way to burn calories fast. 

What you can do:

  • Search for a 20-minute or 30-minute exercise video on Youtube.
  • Prepare the area where you will do the Zumba Palooza. Using the flat-screen TV to play the video is a good idea, but make sure that you clear the living room so everyone can have space to move around. 
  • Dress the part. Let the children wear exercise clothing so they can feel that this is serious stuff. Serious – but fun!
  • Prepare healthy drinks beforehand. The whole family is sure to sweat it out. Make a pitcher or two of infused water, fresh fruit juice, or smoothie and serve it after the activity.

Amazing Race

The combination of challenges and exercise makes this a must-do at home. Make this activity extra enjoyable by putting rewards for each phase/station completed. You can combine physical activity and problem-solving quizzes to keep the race interesting.

Amazing Race can train your child’s problem-solving skills and response to challenges. It can have a positive impact on the kids’ physical and mental health. If you are doing this as a competition, you can make this as an opportunity to teach sportsmanship. 

What you can do:

  • Divide the family into teams.
  • Prepare the stations. For each station, prepare a challenge that the members need to complete to get a clue. For example, in Station 1, all members should make 75 jumping jacks before they can get a direction to the next station. You can also alternate physical and mental challenges, like putting a math problem in Station 2.
  • Rewards will make the game more exciting. After the game, give the teams a little something for completing challenges or finishing the fastest. If you want to eliminate competition, try to give special awards rather than the usual “first place, second place, and third place” recognition. Best in Teamwork, Fastest Team, Most Active, and Funniest Team are better alternatives.

Give Me What I Want

Tweak the typical Give Me What I Want Game! Instead of asking for things, request physical challenges. This will push both parents and children to exercise and have fun at the same time.

What you can do:

  • Draw a line on the other end of the play area. Players must stay behind the line until you finish your request. 
  • Draw a circle beside you. Players who successfully performed a challenge request must skip a turn and stay there.
  • Ask for physical activities. Instead of saying “Give me a pen!” say, “Give me 10 push-ups!”
  • Prepare prizes up for grabs. To motivate them to do the challenges, prepare loot bags. You can put snacks or items as rewards.

Sure, there are walk in clinic Calgary centers if you or your kids fall ill. But you can start your family’s journey towards wellness and healthy living right now. Make your family’s health a priority this year.